I wish more mums knew about homeopathy when struggling with a teething baby, it can be a life saver especially for the infants that really struggle with new teeth. I always found product like brauer teething relief to be a good go to remedy but somethings it still not enough for some.
sometimes a individual homeopathic that matches the symptom picture needs to be selected for the most effective help.
Here are a few remedy pictures of homeopathic that may assist your baby with teething.
Aconite- If teething is painful and there is anger or irritation with the teething. They may have a slight temperature and sleep is restless.
Cal Carb- Babies needing cal carb tend to start teething very late and when they do its painful and slow. They like to put anything into there mouth and chew. They tend to be chubby and sweaty around the head at night. They may be slow to crawl or walk as well.
Chamomilla- One of the most popular homeopathic teething remedies for babies that screams and cry in pain, they want everything but once they have it they throw it away. Can only be hushed or calmed when carried. May have a hot face with one cheek red. Child tends to put fingers in mouth all the time. loss of appetite and better for cold ice chew toys.
Silica- Remedy for babies going through teething that look pale and have dark circles under there eyes. May develop a cough or runny nose or congestion while teething. Increase Salivation (cripple). Teething is slow and lasts a long period of time. They have a very sensative nature.
Pulsatilla- Child becomes extremely clingy and weepy when teething, may develop a runny nose, snuffles or very loose stools. Better for having cold ice toys or cold thing in mouth.
Most of these remedies you will find in the Homeopathic basic kit and is to be taken in an acute dosage format which is taught during the workshops on homeopathic kits.
For help in prescribing the correct remedy for your baby make an appointment by calling Sarah on 0412190114 or book online.
Homeopathy is a traditional medicine. It may be used in conduction with other medicines. For any ongoing chronic condition, it is important to be assessed or examined by your healthcare professional or specialist. Always seek medical advice in emergencies. The information displayed in this post is to be used as information only, always seek professional advice before starting any medication.