About Me

Helping others through our bodies natural healing processes has been a passion of mine since childhood, and has continued to grow since studying and practising natural therapies. Over the years I have evolved as a homeopathic practitioner adding Intuitive healing, Sound healing, Functional Nutrition and CranioSacral into my practice.
Seeing the transformation people can go through once trauma is released from the body, good nutrition is introduced and shifts in mindset are made are so rewarding, and being able to really help people on a higher level than just the physical. It becomes a life-changing experience for you and helps you to create a better version of yourself and I get to go on this journey with you, I get to see you transform and I feel blessed to be able to do this.
Homeopathy and supporting my microbiome helped me recover from asthma and eczema at a young age, my mother wanted to try something different over the multiple hospital visits and a truck load of antibiotics. This was my first introduction to homeopathy and because its amazing effects my mother continued to use it throughout our childhood.
Sarah started her practice in July 2011.
Sarah was the AHA representative for the ICH (International Council of Homeopathy) in July 2017 till 2018, her role was to represent Australia in Homeopathy Internationally.
In Oct 2017 till 2018 she was a National representative for Australian Homeopathic Association and represents them in an Executive position. In 2022 she took on the role of Event /Venue organiser for AHA conferences.
Advanced Dip Western Herbal Medicine 2010
Advanced Dip Homeopathy 2010
Bachelor of Health Science (Comp Medicine) 2010
Reiki Master 2019
Advanced Dip Nutritional studies 2018​
CranioSacral Therapy level 1 & Level 2 2020
Somatoemotional release level 2 2023
Pranic healing level 1 2023
Breathwork coaching level 1 2023