There are a few different types of worms (parasites ) that can come about in children, I have found over the years there seems to be a predisposition in some children that attract worms more than others.
The common childhood parasite is the threadworm (pinworm) and this can quickly become a problem if not treated.
Other parasitic worms include hookworm, tapeworm and roundworm.
Threadworm symptoms
The common itching of the bottom
Disturbed sleep
Moodiness and Grumpy
Can be easy to pass on as egg come out and onto sheets and place where the child has sat.
Make sure you wash everything in high heat.
Hookworm symptoms
mostly in warm tropical climates and can be quite serious as the worm hooks itself into the intestine and draws out blood.
Body becomes anaemic
Diarrhoea and constipation
Dwarf Tapeworm symptoms
Stomach pain
Weight loss
parasites are not something that you want to leave for long, some natural option that may assist in the removal of parasites include:
Can assist the body by triggering it to attack the parasite and remove it from the system through the bowels. A homeopathic remedy should also be matched to the picture state the person is in at the time of illness. Remedies that are commonly used include
Cina-Most common Homeopathic used for pinworm as it provides the perfect picture of a child with worms.
Itchy bottom
Rings around the eyes
Very hungry or variable in appetite
Cries out in sleep
Sleep is disturbed
Rings around the eyes
Cuprum oxidatium - For any types of Worm
Ant crud
Irritable and aversion to the company of others or everything
Don't want to be looked at
No appetite at all refuses to eat but eats lots in the morning
Itching and burning around the anus
Bloated, gas and rumbling tummy
Rude and Snappy children
Nausea and pain in tummy
diarrhoea or constipation
Filix mas- For tapeworm
No urge to go to the toilet
Vomiting and Diarrhoea
Nat Phos
Creamy coated tongue
Sour vomiting
Itchy Nose
Colic and excess gas
Lots of stools
Anxiety and Apprehension
Sour Belching
Irritable by pinworm in the rectum
Nervousness and irritability
Cant sleep at night as it is worse in bed
Worse for warmth
A feeling of crawling in the rectum after stool
Lots of gas that smells like rotten eggs
Diarrhoea and crying in children
Bowel nosode should also be used correspondent to the remedy chosen.
These are just a few of the remedies available for worms.
Herbs and Nutrition
Reducing sugar intake in the diet so not to feed the parasite
Probiotic and prebiotic
Herbs like Wormwood, Garlic and Goldenseal - parasite mixes can be purchased in tablet or liquid format.
It's important to see your homeopath or health care provider so the right cause of action can be taken
Homeopathy is a traditional medicine. It may be used in conduction with other medicines. For any ongoing chronic condition, it is important to be assessed or examined by your healthcare professional or specialist. Always seek medical advice in emergencies.